jan Ne lipu pi jan Nelipu pi jan [_nena_esun]

Other Words

Other uses

Word Definition Source
kin also, too, even, indeed en.tokipona.org
namako food additive, accessory, something extra; season, embellish, stimulate en.tokipona.org

Community words

Word Definition
tonsi non-binary, genderqueer, trans voted on by the community on Discord

Old words

Word Definition Alternative/ReplacementSource
apeja to single out, expose, disgrace, dishonor ike, pilin ike, weka en.tokipona.org (2010)
iki he, she, it, him, her, his, its replaced by ona archived Yahoo group
archived Yahoo group
ipi he, she, it, him, her, his, its suggested as a replacement for iki but never accepted or used archived Yahoo group
jalan foot, leg suggested as a replacement for noka but never accepted or used archived Yahoo group
kan with, accompany, among incorporated into en/kin and lon poka tokipona.org (2002)
archived Yahoo group
kapesi brown, grey incorporated into pimeja jan Pije's archive of tokipona.org
kapa hill, mountain, bump, button replaced by nena jan Pije's archive of tokipona.org
kipisi cut tu/mute, pakala; lili, wan en.tokipona.org (2009)
leko block, square object, cube, stairs selo, poki tokipona.org (2002)
majuna old sin ala, suli, ... pi tenpo pini
misikeke medicine *never officially released moku/ilo pi pona sijelo, etc. mentioned by Sonja on Discord
monsuta creature that preys on humans; predator a real or imagined threat; danger a source of fear or dread ike, akesi en.tokipona.org (2010)
pasila good, easy *never officially released pona Forums
pake block the way *never officially released pini Forums
pata sibling, brother, sister, cousin incorporated into sama tokipona.org (2003)
po four tu tu, mute jan Pije's archive of tokipona.org
powe metaphor, false, not real, fantasy, imagination, abstract, example *never officially released lon ala archived Yahoo group
tuli three tu wan, mute jan Pije's archive of tokipona.org

Joke words

Word Definition Source
kijetesantakalu any animal from the Procyonidae family, such as raccoons, coatis, kinkajous, olingos, ringtails and cacomistles created as an April Fool's joke in the old Yahoo grouparchived Yahoo group
mulapisu pizza created on DiscordDiscord
yupekosi to behave like George Lucas and revise your old creative works and actually make them worsecreated on Discord Discord